2019 - 2020 Research Sponsorship from the American Society of Canine Trainers 



Neurobiology of Interspecific Communication Between Primates and Domestic Canines

Researcher:  Chris Aycock PhD 

This research consists of the neuroanatomical mapping comparison of Hominidae species: human, chimapanzee, gorilla, organutan and the species Canis Familiaris (domestic dog) as the neuroanatomical sytems relate to sensory communication, subsequent nervous system induced memory, and midbrain afferent and efferent pyramidial/extrapyramidial tracts. The research is designed to specifically tract the pathways of senses, as they create ethological relationship/behavioral memory: stress, calmness, comfort, within the communication methods that exists between the Hominidae species and the domestic dog.   

Pressure variables of narcotic displacement within the variety of vehicle atmospheres and direct paint/clearcoat repulsion/attraction rates for gas movement at variable temperatures and wind conditions.
Researcher: Raff Pandoff PhD 

This research is the first follow up to the 2001 work conducted by Franz Gestune and Mark Blaser for ASCT per Cornell University/Ithaca College for narcotic VOC behaviors as they react within and around vehicles, per chemistry laws and function.